Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Couponing To The Extreme

Did you catch TLC's new series premier Extreme Couponing?  I watched in amazement at how these women leave the grocery store with 90-101% savings.  Personally, my best is 54% savings, so far.  I'm always learning new techniques and tips for saving as much as possible at the grocery or drug store.  How about you?  Do you coupon to the extreme or just a little, or can't be bothered?  My favorite part of doing a big haul is watching the total go down, down, down, and my stockpile build up, up, up!

Share your opinion or tips about couponing below.  I love to hear all about your savings!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Automatic Savings

Did you know Target offers two ways to save 5% off your total automatically?  Without even using coupons!  One option is a Target debit card, which is connected to your checking account and is deducted right away with no interest charges.  The other option is a Target credit card, which works like any other credit card and will require a credit check, but will deduct 5% off your total at the register.  If you pay the balance every month, the credit card is just as good an option as the debit card.  However, if you carry a balance you won't be saving that 5%.  I signed up for the debit card in the store last week.  It only took a few minutes and I was given a temporary card to use right away until the card comes in the mail.  If you want more info, check it out at Target REDcard